
Home > Periodicals > Pesticide Professional Committee

PesticideProfessional Committee of the Chemical Industry and Engineering Society ofChina is a branch whose main tasks are to organize academic activities in thepesticide field, carry out technical exchange of pesticide science and promotedevelopment of pesticide science and technology.

On May 25, 1979,advocated by Wang Daxiang and Yang Shixian, the Foundating Meeting of ChinaCrop Protection Industry Association was held in Shenyang, Liaoning. The firstcouncil consisted of 26 persons, Wang Daxiang acted as Chairman, ChengXuansheng, Chen Ruyu, Zhang Zepu, Qi Linsen acted as Vice Chairmen, HongChuanyi acted as Secretary General and Shang Ercai acted as Secretary. Hence,the pesticide society has been affiliated to Shenyang Research Institute ofChemical Industry. In 2016, it was merged into Sinochem International togetherwith Shenyang Sinochem Agrochemicals R&D Co., Ltd.

In the 21stCentury, the domestic and foreign environments of the pesticide industry havechanged a lot, and the Secretariat has carried out academic exchange activitiesin time for the trend of the pesticide R&D and challenge and opportunityfaced by the pesticide industry in China. At present, the 18thAnnual Meeting of Pesticide Professional Committee of the Chemical Industry andEngineering Society of China, and several symposiums have been held and wellaccepted by the industry.

The PesticideProfessional Committee held a general election working meeting in Yangzhou inNovember 2014. The meeting elected the members of the 8th PesticideProfessional Committee. The Director Liu Changling of Shenyang SinochemAgrochemicals R&D Co., Ltd. acted as the Chairman.

Address: No. 8-1, Shenliao East Road, Tiexi District, Shenyang City, Liaoning ProvincePostal code: 110021Tel: 86-024-85869095 Fax: 86-024-85869095
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